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Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envie:
Institución:Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Contacto correo-e:melslater@lsi.upc.edu
Several positions are available at the PhD and post-doctoral level to work full-time as researchers on three European Union projects.
Expertise required: Good background knowledge, experience and enthusiasm in computer graphics and / or haptics research, with previous experience of virtual environment research an advantage.
Particular areas of focus are real-time interactive virtual
characters, and all aspects of interaction with these, including haptic interaction.
Successful applicants will have a keen interest not simply in algorithm and system development but in the advancement of the science of virtual environments. In particular we seek not simply to build systems, but to understand how people behave, respond and interact within immersive virtual environments, and how we can build systems
that make their responses realistic. Application areas include psychotherapy for social situations (such as shyness and paranoia) and also emergency evacuation scenarios.
Starting dates: as soon as possible.
This advertisement is in English since in the European projects English is the common language.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
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