Beca FPI de Biología del Desarrollo ~

4 de octubre de 2007

Beca FPI de Biología del Desarrollo

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Institución:Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo
PhD fellowship in Cell and Developmental Biology: "Identification of nuclear envelope proteins controlling nuclear structure and function"

We are looking for motivated and talented students to join our group on a 4 year FPI PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. The FPI call is expected to open in the beginning of 2008 and the fellowships to begin mid 2008. A bridging fellowship may be available until the FPI program starts. For more information about the FPI fellowships, please refer to

Our group investigates the fascinating biological processes that underlie nuclear envelope dynamics. The nuclear envelope serves numerous essential functions such as separation of nucleoplasm from cytoplasm, anchoring of chromatin within the nucleus, nuclear stability and positioning of the nucleus within the cell. Indeed, multiple severe human hereditary diseases are caused by mutations in genes encoding nuclear envelope components, underscoring the need to elucidate nuclear envelope biogenesis and function. The PhD project will employ genome-wide RNAi experiments to identify novel nuclear envelope proteins. Subsequently, their functions from early embryogenesis to organogenesis will be revealed by genetics and state-of-the-art microscopy in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans.

We offer a very stimulating working atmosphere in an ambitious and expanding group in the Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo (CSIC - Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville) - an attractive institute that is recognised internationally for its top-quality research in developmental biology.

Applications (including University grades and names of 2-3 referees) or questions should be addressed to Dr. Peter Askjaer (; +34 954 348 396).

Recent publications:

Gorjanacz, Klerkx, Galy, Santarella, Lopez-Iglesias, Askjaer, Mattaj. (2007) EMBO J, 26, 132-43.
Askjaer*, Galy*, Franz, López-Iglesias & Mattaj (2006). Curr Biol, 24, 3519-31 (*equal contribution).
Schetter, Askjaer, Piano, Mattaj & Kemphues. (2006). Dev Biol, 289, 360-71.
Askjaer*, Franz*, Antonin, Iglesias, Haselmann, Schelder, de Mario, Wilm, Antony & Mattaj (2005). EMBO J, 24, 3519-31 (*equal contribution).

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Peter Askjaer, Ph.D.
Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo - CABD
(Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology)
CSIC-Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Carretera de Utrera, km 1
41013 Sevilla - Spain
+34 954 348 396 (office) - 378 557 (lab) - 349 376 (fax)

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