Oferta de trabajo: Téccnicos de investigación en Canadá ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de noviembre de 2007

Oferta de trabajo: Téccnicos de investigación en Canadá

RESEARCH TECHNICIANS - Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Institute for Wetland
and Waterfowl Research is seeking up to 24 Research Technicians to work
on waterfowl nesting studies in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan in
2008. Duties may include waterfowl nest searching, pair and brood
surveys, wetland and upland inventories, habitat mapping, and data
management. Candidates must be able to pursue rigorous fieldwork, cope
with poor weather and live in rural locations. Positions are 3-4 month
terms beginning in Apr 2008. A degree plus relevant work experience in
biology, ecology, zoology or related field is required. Visit the Ducks
Unlimited Canada website at http://www.ducks.ca (click Careers at the
top of Home page) for further information and application procedures.
Application deadline is 31 Jan 2008.

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