We are happy to announce that one of the twelve pilot internships in the
framework of the EUROPARC project "Working for Nature - Nature for Working"
is available again! The internship takes places from May to July 2008 and is
supported with 500 EUR through the EUROPARC project.
For those of you who are interested to get work experience a European
protected area have a look at the following offer:

You can apply with the application form attached to this Email. Deadline for
application is 4 January 2008.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications. Please feel free to
circulate this Email to people who might be interested.
Feel free to get in contact if you need any further information.
Best wishes from Grafenau
Petra Dippold
Petra Dippold
EUROPARC Federation - Office Bruxelles
c/o Maison des Associations Internationales (MAI)
40 rue Washington
B-1050 Bruxelles
T: +32-2-6477340
F: +32-2-6400368
skype: petra.dippold.europarc