Laboratory Assistant Position ~

21 de diciembre de 2007

Laboratory Assistant Position

A Laboratory Assistant position is available on a NSF-funded project that
investigates temperature-mediated trait variation in host-parasitoid
communities. Responsibilities include maintaining live insect cultures,
conducting experiments on temperature effects on life history traits and
vital rates, microscopic analysis of parasitism, and data entry and
analysis. The appointment is for one year initially but can be extended
depending on performance. Applicants should have a B.S. degree in Biology,
Ecology, Entomology or a related discipline. Those with a M.S. degree in
these areas are also encouraged to apply. Prior research experience with
insects is required. Salary would be commensurate with qualifications and
experience. Applicants should apply online using the url:, and have three letters of reference sent to
Dr. Priyanga Amarasekare (e-mail: The University of
California is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

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