A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Daniel Bolnick,
in the Section of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at
Austin. The lab's research focuses on the evolutionary and ecological
consequences of among-individual variation in resource use within
populations. More information on research in the lab can be found at
https://webspace.utexas.edu/dib73/Bolnicklab/Bolnicklab.htm?uniq=5ptsas .
More information on the Section of Integrative Biology can be found at
http://www.biosci.utexas.edu/ib/ .
The goal of this postdoctoral position is to bring in a creative and
innovative researcher to work on any topic closely related to the focus of
the Bolnick lab. The postdoctoral researcher will be expected to
contribute to collaborative field and lab projects on niche variation
within populations of three-spine stickleback. The postdoc will also be
encouraged to develop an independent research program related to the
general topic of within-population niche variation. Such research could
entail lab or field work on three-spine stickleback or on another study
organism, or theoretical modeling.
The postdoctoral researcher should have a PhD in evolution, ecology,
behavior, or a closely related field. He/She should have a record of
successful publications. The specific skills required for this
postdoctoral position depend on the research topics the applicant wishes
to pursue, but might include some combination of experimental ecology in
aquatic systems, geometric morphometrics, biomechanics, theoretical
modeling, or quantitative genetics. Excellent analytical and communication
skills are essential. Please contact Dr. Daniel Bolnick
(danbolnick@mail.utexas.edu) for inquiries.
To apply for the postdoctoral position, please send a cv, two letters of
recommendation, and pdfs of relevant papers, to Dr. Bolnick (contact
information below). Applicants are also encouraged to write a 2 page
proposal regarding the research topic(s) they wish to pursue during their
postdoc, and how this would fit into the overall focus of the lab. Review
of applications will begin on Jan 25, and the position will remain open
until filled (later applications will be accepted).
Preferably, the postdoc would be available to start work prior to the
beginning of the lab's field season in late May, but this may be flexible.
It is expected that the postdoctoral position will last three years, on
condition of satisfactory progress, to be assessed annually. There is the
potential for further extension beyond three years, subject to funding
availability. Salary and benefits are competitive.
The University of Texas is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Dr. Daniel Bolnick
Section of Integrative Biology
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
512-471-2824 (work)
512-471-3878 (fax)
12 de enero de 2008
Postdoc: evolutionary ecology of niche variation