Vete de Expedición con National Geographic!! ~

22 de enero de 2008

Vete de Expedición con National Geographic!!

(si puedes pagarlo...)

In July 2008, I am leading a 6-7 week exploratory caving/scientific
expedition in the rain forests of Gabon. We will be completing studies on
archaeology, biology, ecology, and geology. Our scientists have worked in
Gabon for over 20 years...and one of our scientists (the lead biologist)
worked closely with ecologist Mike Fay (who completed the Megatransect) to
establish the 13 National Parks created there.

Studies include excavating archaeological resources and documenting them,
constructing paleoclimatic records of Central Africa using speleothemes
(stalagmites and stalactites), and completing recon surveys for new species
inside and outside the caves.

We also have a very experienced media team, including a professional
photographer, writer, and videographer to produce stories for television and
magazine articles.

Our team consists of 15 members including: myself, 5 scientists, 5 expert
cavers, a
paramedic, our photographer, videographer, and writer.

We are working with the Wildlife Conservation Society, the National
Speleological Society, Smithsonian Inst. and we are expecting receive a
grant from the National Geographic Society this spring.

We are looking for a motivated individual (above 18 and under 27 years old)
who is interested in caving/archaeology/biology/science and using the
combination of adventure, science, and media as a conservation tool. This
opportunity will provide the perfect opportunity for a young aspiring
scientist to launch their career and add an excellent piece to their CV.

If you have ever dreamed of going on a exploratory expedition to a far away
place with National Geographic this is your chance.

Job Details include: Assisting scientists with their studies, assisting
photographer and videographer with setting up shots, assisting expedition
leader with logistics, carrying equipment. Candidate should have experience
with caving and/or vertical experience with rock climbing. Ability to speak
French a plus but not essential. Also a plus if you have traveled abroad.

Cost to you: 5,000 USD

Airfare: 2300 dollars
Travel Insurance: 150 dollars
Food: 300 dollars
VISA: 100 dollars
Expedition Expense Charge: 2,150 dollars.

If you are interested please send me an email at and
attach your CV/resume.


Trevor Frost
Expedition Leader

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