Voluntariado con tortugas en Costa Rica ~ Bioblogia.net

22 de julio de 2008

Voluntariado con tortugas en Costa Rica

Widecast - Costa Rica
The Osa Sea Turtle Conservation Program
2008 Nesting Season

August 1, 2008 - December 15, 2008

The Osa Sea Turtle Program has been developing regional sea turtle
protection, conservation and research activities focusing on the nesting
beaches of Carate, Rio Oro, Pejeperro, and Madrigal, which will result in
the gathering of baseline information to contribute to the local, regional,
and global study of populations of olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea),
Pacific green (Chelonia mydas), and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea
turtles. Project long-term goals also include (i) Protecting the most
important sea turtle nesting areas on the Osa Peninsula - Carate, Rio Oro,
Pejeperro and Madrigal beaches - through nightly and daily patrols. (ii)
Decreasing poaching of sea turtle eggs through a community-based initiative.
(iii) Standardizing and unifying methods and techniques (recording data,
tagging, and using hatcheries) for sea turtle conservation and management on
the Osa Peninsula. (iv) Finally, we look to increase awareness about the
importance of sea turtles, their habitat, and all of the Osa's natural

Field Assistant Position Description
. To head the volunteer's training period once they arrive at the station.
. To lead beach patrols (night and morning)
. To verify that all of the proper equipment is prepared before patrolling.
. To coordinate and oversee the volunteers' work at the beach while they are
collecting and relocating eggs, and releasing the hatchlings
. To make sure the hatchery stays clean and organized
. Every morning, to make sure that all of the data collected during the
previous night is transferred to the data sheets, and to ensure that it is
entered into the computer database
. To make sure that the nest temperatures are recorded.
. To motivate the volunteers to do their work and follow the rules, and
promote a fun working atmosphere at the station

Field Assistant Requirements
. Must commit to working: 3 months
. Must be at least 18 years old
. Must at least have some field work experience
. Must have two reference emails
. English and Spanish skills are helpful
. Must be able to work well with others
. Must be in good physical condition and be able to work in tropical
climatic conditions (rain, humidity, insects)
. Must fill out and send the application form (www.osaseaturtles.org)
. Must have a passion and determination to work with sea turtles.
. Have a personal insurance policy

Field Assistant Benefits/Costs
Room is covered while living at the field station. You will be responsible
for food at $8/day. Field Assistants are responsible for transportation and
enrollment fee of US $35.

Field Assistant Application Information:
1. Letter indicating why you are interested in the position and personal
strong points.
2. CV/Resume
3. Application Form (www.osaseaturtles.org)
4. Email addresses of two references
Send all items to Lia Yohannes, Project Field Coordinator,
lia@osaseaturtles.org and info@osaseaturtles.org

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