I am seeking 1-2 graduate students to develop thesis (dissertation) projects
that use modern molecular methods combined with field work, to study the
evolution of neotropical birds in Middle America. Students will be a
part of a team that is studying the comparative biogeography of select
avian taxa. Individual research topics may differ in focus but must
involve a systematic framework. Spanish-speaking ability and prior
neotropical experience are preferred. A strong work ethic and an
interest in specimen-based (museum) ornithology is required.
Assistantship stipends are $16,000 - 18,000 for 12 month appointments
and include a tuition waiver. Some additional funding is available for
research expenses. UNLV has a growing program in the fields of
phylogenetic systematics and comparative biogeography with three
professional vertebrate systematists (an ornithologist, a herpetologist,
and a mammalogist) on campus. Successful applicants will begin Sep 2009
(or sooner). Students from Latin America are especially encouraged to
apply. Interested persons should send GRE scores, transcripts, a CV,
names and phone numbers of three personal references, and a letter of
interest to: JOHN KLICKA, UNLV, Marjorie Barrick Museum, 4505 Maryland
Parkway, Box 454012, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 94012 (EM: klicka AT
unlv.nevada.edu, PH: 702-895-2749).
5 de noviembre de 2008