31 January - 4 February 2010
De Bergse Bossen, Driebergen, the Netherlands
All organisms require inputs of energy and/or materials in order to grow and reproduce. Consumer-resource interactions in all its variations (i.e. plant-nutrient, plant-herbivore, predator-prey, host-parasitoid, and host-parasite) are central to ecological and evolutionary research. However, consumer-resource interactions are also the basis of exploitative competition (two or more consumers share resources), facilitation (one consumer increases resources for another) and many mutualisms (species trade 'resources'). Most organisms function as both consumers and resources in a food web.
The functional and numerical responses of the consumer and a function describing resource population growth are essential components of any consumer-resource interaction. Understanding these responses often requires that we understand the adaptive processes – evolution, behaviour, and phenotypic plasticity – that shape these interactions on both short and long time-scales.
This one-week course will illustrate how adopting a consumer-resource approach can change our understanding of interactions, and how adaptive processes can be important in understanding both academic and applied problems in ecology. The course will focus on three selected topics within the broad field of consumer-resource interactions: Danger, Disease and Density-dependence.
These topics will be introduced by world leading experts, with a focus on the latest developments and ongoing research efforts.
The introductions will provide the starting point for practical work by the participants to make the acquired knowledge operational. To this end, sub-groups are challenged to develop ideas for their own research: analyzing their own data, writing a proposal, planning an experiment, developing a model or writing a paper.
The experts and organisers will be available to all groups during the practical work, allowing participants intensive interaction with them. The main goal of the course will be achieved if the participants acquire novel ideas and techniques for their own research.
Peter Abrams (University of Toronto)
Joel Brown (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Bob Holt (University of Florida)
Don DeAngelis (University of Miami)
Han Olff (Groningen University)
Theunis Piersma (Groningen University, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research)
On Sunday evening, we start with guest lectures by Han Olff and Theunis Piersma.
On Monday, the basics of consumer-recourse interations and the topics will be introduced. Then groups will be formed.
During the following days, there will be three one-hour lectures on specific topics, followed by discussion.
The rest of the day will be spent on the practical work, under the supervision of the experts and the organisers.
On the last day, the groups present their practical work to all participants.
Hotel & Conference Centre De Bergse Bossen
Traaij 229, Driebergen
The Netherlands
You can register online via: www.pe-rc.nl, (under Courses and activities) or send an email to PE&RC: pe-office@wur.nl
FEE (Includes B&B, coffee, tea, lunches, dinners and course materials):
- PE&RC, SENSE, RSEE and NIOO PhD candidates with an approved Education Plan (TSP) € 400,-
- All other PhD participants € 700,-
- External participants € 1.200,-
Wolf Mooij (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, w.mooij@nioo.knaw.nl)
Bart Nolet (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, b.nolet@nioo.knaw.nl)
Frank van Langevelde (Wageningen University, frank.
Jan van Gils (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, jan.van.gils@nioz.nl
Claudius van de Vijver (Graduate School for Production Ecology and Resource Conservation, claudius.
See: www.pe-rc.nl under courses and activities
For information on the content of the course please contact one of the organizers
For information on registration, fees and logistical matters please contact PE&RC (pe-office@wur.nl).