Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Department of Genetics and Microbiology
We are looking for a student, preferably a biologists, to start a PhD
in systems biology and evo-devo about:
-Gene network simulation in pattern formation, morphogenesis and
morphological evolution.
One of the current challenges of evolutionary biology is to understand
how genetic variation leads to specific morphological variation (the
genotype-phenotype map) and how that process affects the direction of
morphological change in evolution. Our group is devoted to address
this question by using gene network models of pattern formation and
morphogenesis in embryonic space. The idea, developped in previous work,
is that morphological variation arises as variation in those developmental
processes and that then by understanding those one can understand which
morphological variation is possible in each generation. The direction
of morphological change in evolution is determined by both which
morphological variation arises and which of this variation is filtered out
by natural selection. Our goal is to understand this process by making in
silico evolution of developmental gene networks able to produce pattern
formation and morphogenesis (thus morphological variation). This wil
l also be applied to study the evolution and development of specific
mammalian and Drosophila organs.
Programming skills or a willingness to acquire them are required.
The grant is provided by the Spanish ministry of science and innovation
(4 years).
For an outline of the groups research:
For further inquiries:
To apply send CV and a letter explaining the reasons why you may want to
undertake a PhD in that or a similar topic
Genomics, Bioinformatics and Evolution Group
Article exemple:Salazar-Ciudad I, Jernvall J.A computational model of
teeth and the developmental origins of morphological variation. Nature.
2010 Mar 25;464(7288):583-6.
The Autonomous University of Barcelona is a public university located 20
kms north of Barcelona centre. It has its own "green" campus.
Note: There is a similar but independent post for 3D morphometrical
analysis of morphological variation