Post-doctoral Research Associate at the University of Sheffield starting 1 April 2011 ~

26 de enero de 2011

Post-doctoral Research Associate at the University of Sheffield starting 1 April 2011

A Post-doctoral Research Associate position is available to work in
Professor Tim Birkhead's research group in the Department Animal & Plant
Sciences. The position is funded by the European Research Council (ERC)
to study the energetic costs of making sperm.

This is an exciting project whose overall aim is to understand how sperm
phenotype influences fitness. The post is tenable from 1 April 2011.

Candidates should have:

A PhD or equivalent experience in avian reproductive biology.

A track record of publishing in leading specialist or multidisciplinary

A strong interest in inter-disciplinary research and interactions.

Experience with birds and a strong interest and/or background in
evolutionary biology would be an advantage.

The position will involve establishing the spermatogenic cycle length in
birds, measuring the costs of sperm production in different bird species
with different sperm phenotypes, writing manuscripts for publication in
leading discipline-specific and multidisciplinary journals and
presenting research findings at international conferences.

The post is fixed-term with a start date of 1 April 2011 (or as soon as
possible thereafter) and an end date of 31 March 2014 in the first
instance but with the possibility of a further extension subject to the
availability of funds.

This is an ideal opportunity for an ambitious postdoctoral research
fellow to work at the interface between evolution and reproductive
biology. The work will be performed in a large, high profile 5* research
department with a strong commitment to research-led teaching.

For informal enquiries about this position and about the department,
please contact Professor Tim Birkhead:
or phone: 0114 222 4622

For all on-line application system queries and support, contact:

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