Animal Welfare Studentship ~

2 de febrero de 2011

Animal Welfare Studentship

The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare is now inviting applications for the 2011 UFAW Animal Welfare Student Scholarships. The aim of this scheme is to enable students to pursue their interests in animal welfare and to provide them with the opportunity to conduct relevant research or other (e.g. educational) projects. Students will usually be undertaking courses in the agricultural, biological, psychological, veterinary or zoological sciences. However, we would also welcome applications from students from other disciplines and who are interested in carrying out a project in animal welfare.

Projects must be relevant to improving the welfare of farm, laboratory, companion, zoo, or free-living wild animals whose welfare is compromised by human factors, and may be carried out within the UK or overseas. Successful applicants will be awarded up to £1600 to cover subsistence and project expenses.

Application forms and further information are available from the ‘Grants & Awards’ page of the UFAW website:, or please email:

Please note that the closing date for applications is: 28th February 2011.

With best wishes

Elizabeth Carter

UFAW Scientific Officer

Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts AL4 8AN, UK
Office: +(0)1582 831818 (tel), 831414 (fax)
Registered Charity No 207996 (Registered in England) and Company Limited by Guarantee No 579991

The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) is an independent registered UK charity that works to develop and promote improvements in the welfare of all animals through scientific and educational activity worldwide.

Science in the service of animal welfare

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