Two Fellowships (Master degree) for Radio-Tracking Small Mammals ~

17 de febrero de 2011

Two Fellowships (Master degree) for Radio-Tracking Small Mammals

One application is open for the allocation of two research fellowships (BI for an applicant with a Master degree), under the project Roads and mammals: implications on behavior and genetic structure (PTDC/BIA-BIC/110097/2009) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).

1. Principal contractor – Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FFCUL

2. Host Institutions – Centro de Biologia Ambiental /Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (CBA, Lisbon Portugal) and Estacion Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC, Seville Spain

3. Duration and conditions of activity: These research fellowships are for an initial period of three months, scheduled to start in 1 April 2011 on an exclusive basis, in accordance with regulations for Advanced Training of Human Resources of FCT ( and the Regulation of Scientific Research Grants from FFCUL. The contract may be renewed for another period of nine months depending of the performance of the candidate.

4. Scientific Area – Biological Sciences

5. Purpose of activity – Research activity will be mainly fieldwork, radio-tracking small mammals all night long. In the starting period of the project, they will support the trapping campaign. Additionally, a database and a GIS and support to write the annual reports will be required.

6. Education and Professional experience – Recipients of the fellowships must have a University first degree and Masters in Biological Science (or related areas). Candidates should have experience on radio-tracking, have driving license and experience on driving 4x4 vehicles. Fieldwork activities will be undertaken in the vicinity of the A66 highway (Santa Olalla-Seville, Spain) and A-49 (Seville-Huelva, Spain). Remaining activities will be developed in CBA or EBD. Fieldwork comprise in average 12 days/month (6 consecutive days in the second week and other 6 consecutive days on the fourth week of the month). Thus availability required to carry out intensive field work and to stay in conditions of limited comfort.

Scientific orientation - Research will be supervised by Dr. Clara Grilo (CBA/FCUL), Dr. Jacinto Román (EBD/CSIC) and Dr. Eloy Revilla (EBD/CSIC)

7. Remuneration: The value of the scholarship follows the tables announced by FCT: 980 € per month+social security. The periodicity of the payment is monthly and by way of bank transfer.

8. Documents: All applications must contain the following documents: Title of the application, Cover letter with full contacts of the applicant and a motivation statement (máx. 1 page) and Curriculum Vitae (máx. 3 pages including scores for each degree: University degree and Master) in portuguese, spanish or english.

9. Applications should be directed by e-mail to Dr. Clara Grilo - E-mail: The jury may decide to interview a candidate to complement the above information.

10. Opening date and deadline for applications: The period to submit applications is from 19 February to 6 March 2011.

11. Results of the applications will be sending by email until 20 March 2011.

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