Endocrinology of reproduction and calcium metabolism in a primitive fish, the lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens.
The lake sturgeon is an entirely freshwater chondrostean fish with a natural range in the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay drainage basins. A variety of factors have led to this culturally iconic species being listed as threatened throughout much of its North American range and recently being considered for designation as protected in Western Canada under the Species at Risk Act. With this potential designation there is a need to improve our understanding of the biology of this species leading toward more informed management practices and sustained populations throughout North America. Research in Dr Anderson's lab is currently examining: the relationship between the environment and the development of the endocrine stress response in larval lake sturgeon; ecology and behaviour of juvenile lake sturgeon in a large riverine system; endocrine regulation of calcium metabolism in juvenile and adult fish; and endocrine regulation of reproduction in adult fish.
I am seeking two positions starting in the spring of 2011, 1 post doctorate funded for 2 years and 1 PhD, with each position focussing on, but not limited to, the endocrine regulation of reproduction and calcium metabolism in lake sturgeon. Experience in microscopy, chromatography or molecular biology techniques would be helpful. Both the graduate and doctorate position will involve field and lab based components in addition to whole animal and in vitro experimentation. Successful applicants will join a vibrant lab with NSERC Discovery funding and CFI funded infrastructure that currently has 2 PhD, 2 MSc and 2 undergraduate students researching projects ranging from the endocrinology of senesence in seabirds to
the relationship between lake sturgeon movement and river flow at hydro-electric dams. Students are encouraged to present research findings at national and international conferences and involve themselves in the graduate student community in the Department of Biological Sciences. For more information on either of these positions please contact, Dr. W. Gary Anderson, Tel (204) 474-7496; e-mail
andersow@cc.umanitoba.ca. I look forward to hearing from you.