Postdoc position : New insights into the evolution of haploid-diploid
life cycles through population genetics and ecology of the brown alga
We are offering a 24-months position for a postdoc in evolutionary
biology. The successful applicant will be integrated in a research
program financed by a grant from the French Agence Nationale de la
Recherche (ANR) to explore the genetics, molecular basis and evolution
of the biphasic haploid-diploid life cycle in Ectocarpus, the genetic
and genomic model organism for brown algae (ANR Bi-cycle, available on
Despite considerable theoretical work, there is still no unequivocal
explanation for the existence and stability of a broad diversity of life
cycles in nature, ranging from diploid through haploid-diploid to
haploid life cycles. The aim of the post doc position is to improve our
understanding of the life cycle of the filamentous brown alga Ectocarpus
through a combination of field studies, laboratory-based experiments and
population genetics analyses. The field studies will concentrate on
understanding how the life cycle functions under field conditions. The
questions that will be asked include: Are the sporophyte and gametophyte
generations of equal importance in terms of time of persistence and
prevalence in the field? Do sporophytes and gametophytes exploit
different ecological niches? The project will also investigate this last
question through controlled laboratory experiments. Ectocarpus exhibits
a complex life cycle with a combination of sexual and asexual
reproduction in the laboratory; the aim will be to determine how (and
if) the various possibilities presented by this complex life cycle are
exploited by this organism under field conditions using population
genetics tools. The data from these different analyses will be used to
address fundamental questions such as the problem of the stability of
haploid-diploid life cycles and the influence of the benefits and costs
of sex on the evolution of an organism's life cycle.
The selected candidate will work in the Station Biologique de Roscoff
located in Brittany (France) within the team "Evolutionary Biology and
Marine Diversity" (BEDIM, UMR 7144). This team combines complementary
skills (theoretical and experimental population genetics, molecular
ecology and reproductive ecology) in an integrative approach. Besides
the common research facilities provided by the Station Biologique de
Roscoff, the group has the equipment required for field sampling and
surveys, genotyping and sequencing, control experiments in the lab (easy
access to the field, PCR thermocyclers, computers, three automated DNA
sequencers, algae culture facilities). The project will be conducted in
close relationship with the SME Bezhin Rosko, a small enterprise run by
an experienced seaweed scientist providing knowledge on algal field
populations, as well as experience with the isolation and purifications
of strains.
Required qualifications:
We are looking for a candidate with a strong background in evolutionary
biology, population genetics and molecular ecology. A solid background
in spatial analysis methodology is required. Experience with one or more
of the following skills is a plus: matrix population modelling in order
to analyse demographic parameters and to integrate population dynamics
with population structure; experience with ecological controlled
experimental design; programming skills (R).
Interested candidates should send their CV, along with a letter stating
their interest and contact details of two references to and
This position will be available in January 2012, Salary according to the
experience and the CNRS grid
Application deadline November 30, 2011
Myriam Valero
UMR CNRS/UPMC 7144, équipe BEDIM
Station Biologique de Roscoff
BP74, Place Georges Teissier
29682 Roscoff cedex
tel: 0298292328