Graduate position: ETH Zurich Speciation ~

6 de octubre de 2011

Graduate position: ETH Zurich Speciation

Doctoral position available

Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zürich

In the group Plant Ecological Genetics of the Institute Integrative
Biology, ETH Zürich, is a doctoral position available starting January
1, 2012.

Project title: Mechanisms of pre- and postzygotic isolation in cryptic
Epichloë species

Project description: Speciation is one of the most fundamental processes
in biology that leads to biological diversity. However, the mechanisms of
speciation are variable in different organisms and incompletely known,
particularly in members of Fungi. Epichloë endophytes (Ascomycota,
Clavicipitaceae) with its sexual species offer an ideal model system
on which mechanisms of reproductive isolation, a prerequisite of
speciation, can be studied. The planned research will investigate
several potential pre- and post zygotic isolation mechanisms that may
operate among members of genus Epichloë including a species complex
with several host-associated cryptic species. The project is positioned
at the interface of ecology, genetics and evolutionary biology and will
involve field work as well as greenhouse and lab experiments.

We offer a supportive and stimulating environment within the plant
ecological genetics group on the main campus of ETH Zürich.

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate (3 year funding)
with strong interests in ecological genetics and/or evolutionary
biology. Candidates should have a Diploma or Master's degree in Biology
or Plant Sciences.

Applications should be sent to the address given below (preferably by
e-mail) and should include (1) a letter describing research motivation
and experience,  (2) a CV together with copies of degree certificates
(graduate and undergraduate), and (3) contact details of at least two
scientific referees.

Prof. Dr. A. Leuchtmann
Institute of Integrative Biology
Universitaetstrasse 16
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
phone:             +41 44 632 3854     

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