Lecturer, Wildlife Ecology ~ Bioblogia.net

30 de noviembre de 2011

Lecturer, Wildlife Ecology

Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management
University of California, Berkeley

The Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management at the
University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for a part-time
Lecturer to teach ESPM 114, Wildlife Ecology, during the Spring 2012
semester.  The course lecturer delivers two hours of lecture each
week and oversees four GSIs who handle eight, one-hour discussion
sections per week. The lecturer also holds weekly office hours.  This
position is scheduled to begin January 1, 2012 through May 31, 2012.

Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to wildlife ecology and includes
population, community, and ecosystem levels of organization.
Specifically, the course introduces students to basic concepts and
applications in physiological ecology, niche theory, population
dynamics, population estimation, metapopulation and community
ecology, trophic webs and a range of special topics including
invasive species, wildlife disease, landscape ecology and wildlife
policy. Students are evaluated on their performance on three
projects, three exams and their preparedness for discussion section.

Position requirements:
Candidate should have Ph.D. in ecology or related field with teaching
experience and strong professional references. The primary
responsibilities for this position include:

Delivering lectures
Planning and preparing lessons, including: researching and developing
new topics, courses and teaching materials and online resources,
developing materials for the student discussion, and developing
materials for discussion sections taught by GSIs
Supervising four to five graduate student instructors
Holding office hours
Developing exams and projects, and grading them (or supervising GSIs
in the marking)
Maintaining accurate records and monitoring students' progress, as
well as addressing any special student needs
Maintaining knowledge of, and implementing, college policies
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience (starting
annual, full-time salary is $44,636)

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae,
statement on teaching philosophy and experience, along with the names
and contact information of three references to: http://
ecnr.berkeley.edu:80/sReg.php?i 2.  The deadline for applications
is December 19, 2011.

This is a non-tenured, temporary position: the appointments to the
title of Lecturer are self-terminating (no further notice on non-
reappointment will be forthcoming) and do not create an obligation on
the part of the University either to extend or renew the appointment
outlined above. Any reappointment will be preceded by an assessment.
Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the
United States.

The University of California is an equal opportunity affirmative
action employer, committed to excellence through diversity. The
College seeks candidates whose research, teaching, or service has
prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and
inclusion in higher education.

Neil D. Tsutsui
Associate Professor
Vice Chair for Instruction
Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114

Mail:130 Mulford Hall, #3114
Office: 326 Hilgard Hall
Lab: 3 & 245 Hilgard Hall
Email: ntsutsui@berkeley.edu
Phone: 510-642-9012
Fax: 510-643-5438

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