analysis. Depending on his/her background, the candidate can either
participate on the methods development or focus on the application of
these methods in research topics of special interest. The candidate
should minimally be familiar with Linux/Unix systems and working with
the command-line interface but also candidates with a pure computational
background are encouraged to apply.
In the past, the group has created the PRANK alignment software
( and is now working on its successor,
sequence alignment and its applications in comparative analyses, we are
interested in the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data in
evolutionary analyses of non-model organisms and in metagenomic
analyses. More information of our current research topics can be found
on the group's home page at
group's working language is English.
The group is based at the Institute of Biotechnology
within the University of Helsinki. The institute is an international
workplace with staff coming from 30 different countries and exceeding
300 in total. In addition to 28 research groups, the institute has
seven core facilities, the DNA sequencing lab hosting e.g. 454,
Illumina, Solid and (soon) PacBio DNA sequencing devices. The group has
access to a supercomputer and high-performance clusters at the national
computer centre. Helsinki itself is a lively city with a metropolitan
area of 1.2 million inhabitants.
Depending on their background, the Ph.D. students at the institute
participate on different graduate schools. In addition to graduate
schools in biotechnology and molecular biology, there are ones e.g. in
computational sciences and in informational and structural biology.
Applications are accepted from 1 Feb onwards and until the position is
filled. Please send your application, together with a full CV, copies
of publications or relevant certificates, and the names of two referees
to Ari Löytynoja (
Ari Löytynoja