8 Doctoral Stipends (beginning as filled)
related to the research areas of plant growth modelling, agricultural adaptation, modelling of trace gas emissions, forest management, agricultural and forest economics, soil-landscape modeling, ecosystem DOC/DON release, small catchment hydrology or ecohydrology, stable isotope applications, and water management. The research group is a joint activity of the University of Bayreuth, Kangwon National University in Chuncheon, Korea, and the Korean Forest Research Institute in Seoul. The goals of the TERRECO-IRTG focus on building a bridge between spatial patterns of ecosystem performance in complex terrain and derived ecosystem services critical for human well-being. Further information is available at http://www.bayceer.uni-
The TERRECO project is an educational initiative of the UBT BayCEER faculty consortium Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research within the framework of the Bayreuth Graduate School of Natural Sciences. Participants will conduct research in both Germany and Korea. A transdisciplinary study component is carried out in both countries.
Doctoral stipends pay 1150 Euro per month in Bayreuth plus travel costs and a supplemental living cost of 1300 Euro for months spent in Korea.
Interested persons should send a copy of high school diploma and course transcript, copies of transcripts and certificates of Bachelor and MSc or Diplom degrees, a statement of personal interest, and a curriculum vitae by email to: John.Tenhunen@uni-bayreuth.de