University of Salzburg, which will start working October 1st 2012,
invites applications for an
Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Plant Ecology
available from October 1st 2012. The initial appointment is for six
years with the possibility of promotion to a permanent position.
The position will focus on Experimental Plant Ecology, preferably on
evolutionary or community ecology, and at least partly study chemical
communication in plant-plant, plant-animal or multitrophic interactions.
The successful applicant should not only have an excellent research
experience and publication record but also experience with teaching and
grant acquisition. Good knowledge of chemical-analytical (GC, GC-MS) and
chemical-electrophysiological (GC-EAD) techniques as well as expertise
in designing and performing behavioral assays with insects is of
advantage. Experience with molecular (e.g. biosynthesis of flower
scents, scent genes) or neurophysiological (perception of volatiles by
insects) methods is also helpful.
The successful candidate, which has a PhD preferably in Biology, will
teach courses (usually in German) in Plant Ecology (4 hrs per week and
semester) and supervise undergraduate as well as graduate students.
She/he is expected to apply for external funding.
Applications (in German or English) should include a letter of
motivation describing the qualifications and research interests, a CV, a
list of publications (including presentations at conferences,
universities or other research institutes), an overview of teaching
experience, copies of not more than three publications, and a statement
of future teaching and research activities. The documents should be sent
to the president of the University of Salzburg, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich
Schmidinger, Serviceeinrichtung Personal, Kapitelgasse 4, 5020 Salzburg,
Austria. The closing date for applications is August 22, 2012. For
additional information, see, Career & Jobs, or
contact stefan.doetterl@uni-bayreuth.