Volunteer field assistant: We are looking for a field assistant to help monitor nesting in a colour-banded population of superb fairy-wrens near Melbourne, Australia for a study on animal personalities. Dates: 1 October 2012 to 31 January 2013 (4 months). Duties include regular censusing of colour-banded birds, searching for and monitoring nests, behavioural observations, video analysis, and data proofing. Working days are long, with early starts six days a week. Enthusiasm and a strong work ethic are a must. The study is based at Serendip Sanctuary, a small reserve on the outskirts of Melbourne. Qualifications: experience monitoring colour-banded birds and searching for nests. Must be an early riser, physically fit, able to work in extreme weather conditions, and enjoy basic shared living conditions. Onsite accommodation in a house with shared dorm-style room is provided, but assistants cover travel to the site and their own food costs. The project will reimburse up to AUD$500/mo towards receipted food and travel expenses. For more information contact: Michelle Hall (hall.m@unimelb.edu.auhall.m@unimelb.edu.au>) and Raoul Mulder (r.mulder@unimelb.edu.au<mailto:r.mulder@unimelb.edu.au>). To apply, please email a letter outlining previous field research experience, and a resume including names and contact information for 3 referees.
Dr Michelle L Hall
Research Fellow
Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne
Melbourne, VIC, 3010, Australia
email: hall.m@unimelb.edu.auhall.m@unimelb.edu.au>
+ 61 3 83446232