The postdoctoral associate will be expected to contribute to (1) generating a species-level phylogeny of the 1000+ suboscine species using genomic approaches and (2) subsequent analyses intended to improve understanding of diversification in large radiations. The ideal candidate has experience in generating, assembling, and analyzing next-generation sequence data. Prior experience working on suboscines is also desirable, but not required. The Derryberry lab also has a strong interest in the tempo and mode of behavioral evolution, so candidates with an interest in exploring these types of questions in a phylogenetic context are strongly encouraged to apply. A strong publication record is preferred.
An initial appointment will be for one year, with continuation for at least one additional year dependent upon performance.A start date by February 2013 or earlier is preferred. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Send via email attachment a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and names and addresses of three references to Dr. Elizabeth Derryberry at