Tenure-track position in vegetation ecology at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. ~ Bioblogia.net

16 de abril de 2014

Tenure-track position in vegetation ecology at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia.

Position description below and link to apply at end.  Application deadline 02 May.

The School of Veterinary and Life Sciences<http://www.murdoch.edu.au/School-of-Veterinary-and-Life-Sciences> is currently looking to fill a role in Ecology as part of its Environmental and Conservation Sciences program.  The School includes >100 faculty spanning a broad range of fields, offering excellent opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaborations.  Environmental and Conservation Sciences comprises a research and teaching cluster spanning the ecological sciences and protected area management. Existing areas of ecological strength include plant ecology, forest health, wildlife science, freshwater, estuarine ecology, fisheries and marine ecology.

Murdoch University invites applications for a continuing (tenure-track) position in vegetation ecology within the Environment and Conservation Science cluster of the School of Veterinary and Life Science.  The position will be filled at the Lecturer (level B) to Senior Lecturer (level C) , depending on experience and track record.  We seek candidates with a research focus on field-based plant ecology, disturbance, or urban-restoration ecology and which may span physiology, population, and/or community scale investigations. Bio statistical and/or modelling expertise is highly desirable. Applicants must have a PhD, and post-doctoral experience is preferred; applicants for appointment at level C  must demonstrate an established research program and track record of external funding and publications that have international impact and influence. We are looking for an energetic scholar with strengths in research and teaching who will contribute to the vibrant research community within the school.

Applicants will be expected to develop an active research programme, apply for nationally competitive grants, publish in international journals, and supervise graduate students.  Expectations are commensurate with level of appointment. Teaching responsibilities include coordinating and teaching in a second year unit (Ecology) and 1-2 other units per year in ecology-related areas across both undergraduate and post-graduate levels.

To apply, use the link below to read job description and instructions to applicants.

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