Volunteer field research assistant in bowerbird signal function and evolution (Australia) ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de julio de 2014

Volunteer field research assistant in bowerbird signal function and evolution (Australia)

I am looking for an experienced female field worker to help my female Ph.D. student doing field work on Great Bowerbirds, approximate dates October through to mid December 2014. (Female because the field house offers little privacy). Ideally the volunteer should have extensive experience with birds. The
volunteer should also know how to drive a 4WD vehicle in easy to moderate conditions (we almost never have to shift into 4WD) and not mind living in fieldwork conditions.
Duties generally involve helping to drive to bower sites,
walking between bowers (up to 4km), carrying equipment and
helping to check/maintain the camera equipment at bowers on
a regular basis, as well as the initial set up and final
taking down of the camera systems, solar panels and batteries
used to run the cameras. Other duties will include sound
recording, backing up video onto USB disk drives, some
analysis of the video recordings collected, and helping to
do two object presentation experiments.

This field work takes place on a remote cattle station (Ranch
in North American parlance) in Queensland, so it is hot and dry.
This will involve a fair amount of walking in these conditions
so the volunteer should be reasonably fit. Transportation will
be provided to/from the field station from Townsville (the
nearest airport). The successful applicant will have to share
a simple house with the PhD student and help with the day to
day aspects of fieldwork as well as cooking and keeping the
house tidy. This cattle station is full of wildlife (the
owners really know how to care for the land) so expect to see
lots of kangaroos, emus and bustards, among other animals.
It is well into the outback so internet connections are weak
and absent in some days; this is not something a city-type
would enjoy.

If you are interested, please e-mail me directly,
John A. Endler, Centre for Integrative Ecology, Deakin
University, Australia.

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