3 postdocs in biodiversity synthesis (Germany) ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de agosto de 2014

3 postdocs in biodiversity synthesis (Germany)

Three (3) postdoctoral fellowships are available in the “Biodiversity
Synthesis” research group of Professor Jonathan Chase to be based at the
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-
Leipzig ((http://www.idiv-biodiversity.de/).  iDiv is one of the six
National Research Centres funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It
is located in the city of Leipzig and jointly hosted by the Martin Luther
University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
(FSU), the University of Leipzig (UL), and the Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research (UFZ).
It is also supported by the Max Planck Society, the Leibniz Association, the Klaus Tschira Foundation and the Free State of Saxony. The central mission of iDiv is to promote theory-driven
synthesis and data-driven theory in this emerging field and it houses the
working groups of several professorships in biodiversity sciences, a number
of postdoctoral associates and visitors, the Synthesis of Centre for
Biodiversity Sciences (sDiv), the Young Biodiversity Research Training group
(yDiv), and a series of international workshops.  In addition, there are
more than 75 biodiversity scientists in the Halle-Jena-Leipzig region and
beyond who are members of the iDiv consortium.

The overall aim of the Biodiversity Synthesis research group of Professor
Chase is to develop consistent ways to quantify, analyze and interpret
patterns of biodiversity across scales in response to natural and
anthropogenic drivers in the context of fundamental ecological theory.
Recognizing the limitations of current approaches for analyzing and meta-
analyzing patterns of biodiversity that are agnostic towards nonlinear
scaling issues (e.g., effect sizes on species richness, diversity, and
extrapolations and rarefactions of richness), this research group will
refine and improve on tools that are able to explicitly compare biodiversity
patterns and experimental results by disentangling the factors that underlie
biodiversity (e.g., total and relative abundances, spatial patterns and
aggregations) and how they respond to a number of drivers (e.g.,
biogeographic factors, disturbance, productivity, land use and
fragmentation) (For an overview of the problem, see e.g., Chase, J. M., &
Knight, T. M. (2013). Scale‐dependent effect sizes of ecological drivers on
biodiversity: why standardised sampling is not enough. Ecology letters,
16(s1), 17-26). We will use a combination of computational approaches with
simulated and existing databases appropriate for these analyses, including
vegetation plots (e.g., small-scale grassland plots, large-scale forest
plots), marine surveys (e.g., corals, fishes), stream and lake surveys,
terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates, and microbes (including NGS
analyses of microbiomes). Our ultimate goal is to interpret these patterns
with respect to a robust theoretical framework that includes environmental,
spatial, stochastic and biogeographical constraints.

Postdoctoral associates are expected to develop collaborations with
Professor Chase as well as other members of the iDiv community within the
context of the overall aim of the research group, including possible
extensions of the approach.  Possible extensions could (but are not limited
to) incorporate temporal aspects of biodiversity change through time,
responses of phylogenetic and functional diversity (and beta-diversity),
analyses of microbial biodiversity, and theoretical approaches that examine
biodiversity patterns and processes in space and time.  In addition to their
primary research responsibilities, postdocs will be expected to spend a
fraction of their time in each of the following: collaborate with working
groups of visiting international researchers through the associated
Synthesis of Centre for Biodiversity Sciences (sDiv), participate in the
training of graduate through the Young Biodiversity Research Training group
(yDiv) and MLU, and help develop and implement international workshops for
biodiversity analysis and interpretation.

Applications should have a PhD in a topic related to the research theme,
evidence of publication success, and strong quantitative and computational
skills, preferably including at least some of the following: simulation and
analytical modelling, spatial analyses and GIS, multivariate approaches,
structural equation modelling, null modelling,
ecoinformatics/bioinformatics, and/or Bayesian approaches (programming
skills in R is strongly preferred, but other languages will also be useful).
The positions will be administered by the Martin Luther University Halle-
Wittenberg, in cooperation with iDiv, are full time and are initially
offered for one year with the possibility of two or more years depending on
progress and funding.  Salary for postdocs in Germany is fixed at
Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, which is ample to live comfortably in the region.
The start date is flexible, but should be as early as possible, preferably
no later than January, 2015.

Applications should consist of a single .pdf file including (i) a letter of
interest, (ii) a brief overview of research directions that might be carried
out in the context of this position and the skills and experiences that the
candidate has that could be applied to proposed work and other iDiv and sDiv
activities (1-2 pages, maximum), (iii) curriculum vitae, and (iv) the names
and email addresses of three individuals who could provide an evaluation of
the candidate upon request.  Application materials should be sent
electronically as a single .pdf to jonathan.chase@idiv.de.  The cover letter
should include the registration number 4-6893/14-D and be addressed to
Professor Jonathan Chase, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity
Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig; Deutscher Platz 5e; 04103 Leipzig.
Applications will be accepted until September 15th, 2014, but interested
candidates should contact Professor Chase as soon as possible to indicate
intention to apply and discuss possible research topics. For any questions
and/or to indicate your interest in applying, feel free to contact Professor
Chase by email (jonathan.chase@idiv.de). Severely disabled persons are
encouraged to apply and will be given preference in the case of equal
suitability. Women are also strongly urged to apply.

The working language at iDiv and its affiliated institutes is English. iDiv
staff are prepared to assist incoming members navigate all facets of working
and living in Germany (e.g., visas, living arrangements, etc.). However,
private German language lessons will be made freely available at iDiv for
those interested in developing a working knowledge of the language, which
would facilitate living in the region. Leipzig is a medium-sized city with
the benefits of a large city, including excellent public transportation,
cultural activities, dining opportunities, city parks, an international
school and family-friendly activities, but is among the least expensive
places to live in Germany. It is also well situated within a 1 hour train
ride to Berlin, and 2-4 hour train rides to Munich, Frankfurt and Prague
(Czech Republic), as well as a central airport with flights to many major
destinations in Europe.

Professor and Head of Biodiversity Synthesis Research Group
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) (http://www.idiv-
Deutscher Platz 5e
04103 Leipzig


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