a Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology (equivalent to Assistant Professor)
who has an excellent publication record and can demonstrate a reputation
for internationally recognised research. Your research interests will
complement existing strengths in the Department of Biology, which
range from genome organisation to global change biology and which use
theoretical, analytical and experimental approaches. You should have a
PhD or equivalent and be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the
promotion of teaching and learning. You will be expected to participate
actively in research supervision, management and administration.
York is one of the most successful universities in the UK. With
world-class activity across the spectrum from the physical sciences, life
sciences, and social sciences to the humanities, we have been recognised
as one of the top 100 universities in the world, gaining outstanding
results in official assessments of our research and teaching. The
Department of Biology is the first biology department in Britain to
receive a Gold Athena Swan Award which recognises success in supporting
the careers of women in science.
You are invited to make an informal enquiry to Professor Ian Graham
(Head, Department of Biology; (+44) 01904 328507), Professor
Jane Hill (Jane.Hill@york.ac.uk) or Professor Michael Brockhurst
Interviews will be held on Thursday 23 October 2014.