Post-doc: Experimental Evolution of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor (Netherlands) ~

11 de septiembre de 2014

Post-doc: Experimental Evolution of the Bacterial Flagellar Motor (Netherlands)

We are looking for a post-doc (two years) to bring a highly promising, ongoing line of research on modular protein-complex evolution to fruition. The project examines how evolution incorporates incompatible components into the bacterial flagellar motor. Using engineered motors, we followed component integration during real-time evolution experiments. Next-generation sequencing and phenotypic analyses have begun to reveal the underlying evolutionary trajectories. The main challenge of the post-doc will be to dissect the mutational trajectories and associated phenotypic changes in order to generate new insight into the mechanisms of modular protein-complex evolution. The post-doc will also be encouraged to test existing and newly developed hypotheses (e.g. on the evolution of 'irreducible' complexity) using this experimental model.

Qualified candidates have a PhD in molecular (micro)biology, experimental ecology and evolution, biophysics, synthetic biology or a related field. In addition, they have a strong interest in experimental evolutionary research and are motivated by a deep scientific curiosity. Successful candidates have experience with (bacterial) genetics techniques, good experimental skills and a drive to learn new methods and concepts.

Research Group
The Beaumont Lab seeks insight into the mechanisms behind the creative potential of evolution by mutation and selection from the nanoscale to the ecosystem level. We do this using real-time evolution and ecology experiments, synthetic biology and biophysics in combination with a range of bacterial model systems. Current research topics include the ecology and evolution of conductive bacterial nanowires, the evolutionary origins of biodiversity, and modular evolution of multi-protein complexes.

Bionanoscience is a multi-disciplinary department that is dedicated to the study of fundamental and applied biological questions with cutting-edge tools from biology, physics and nanotechnology. Research topics range from single molecule biophysics, evolution and synthetic biology to development of artificial cells. The department offers excellent technical facilities including an advanced microscopy suite and next-generation sequencing.

Information and application
For more information about this position, please contact Dr. H.J.E. Beaumont, phone: +31 (0)15-2788647, e-mail: To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV, an application letter explaining your interest in this specific project and contact information of two references by 20 October 2014 to Dr. H.J.E. Beaumont. When applying for this position, please refer to vacancy number TNWBN14-033.

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