Research in the Naithani Lab focuses on three complementary themes: (1)
understanding spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem structure and function,
2) upscaling carbon and water fluxes from plant to landscape, and 3)
understanding and modeling the influence of disturbance and global change
on socio-ecological systems. All current and past projects combine field
and modeling approaches. For more details, visit
Applicants must hold a Master degree or equivalent (e.g. a published paper)
with strong oral and written communication skills in English. Please apply
application for admission form
Graduate School. Competitive funding opportunities, Distinguished Doctoral
Fellows (DDFs) and Doctoral Academy Fellows (DAFs), are available for
exceptional students that will supplement the standard graduate stipend.
The DDFs have a salary range of $35,000-$40,000 for a 12-month stipend, and
the DAFs have a range of $25,000-$30,000 for a 12-month stipend. Please
visit Lab’s website
for information about my mentoring philosophy and availability of doctoral
funding. Contact Dr. Kusum Naithani <> for additional