Faculty of Forest Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå, Sweden
SLU invites applications for the following 2 year post-doctoral position in Community Ecology, on the topic of Impacts of Invasive Ants in New Caledonia on Invertebrate Communities and Ecosystem Processes (Ref. Nr. 2014-3473) at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, at Umeå, Sweden. The position is fully financed, including salary and benefits. The postdoctoral researcher will be expected to start on April 1 2015.
The position involves working within a pan-European BiodivERsA project, and while it is based in Umeå it will involve fieldwork in New Caledonia in collaboration with researchers at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD). It will focus on how invasion of exotic ants in New Caledonia impacts on aboveground and belowground invertebrate communities and the ecological processes that they drive. There is the expectation that the researcher will be actively involved in the design, fieldwork, data analysis, and write-up of this work. This position would be particularly ideal for researchers that have an interest in invertebrate ecology and/or invasion biology.
The required qualification for this position is a PhD in Ecology or a related subject, preferably with experience in field-based invertebrate ecology, and preferably completed in the previous three years. We would also expect the researcher to have the capacity to travel to New Caledonia for fieldwork for periods of time throughout this project.
Applications for this position should include a curriculum vitae including a full list of publications, a brief description of research interests and fieldwork experience, and a list of at least three references familiar with the applicant's qualifications and experience.
Further information is available from Professor David Wardle SLU Umeå, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, e-mail:David.Wardle@slu.se
Applications, marked with Ref No 2014-3473/2014, must arrive at the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, S- 750 07 Uppsala or registrator@slu.seno later than November 18 2014.