Two Ph.D Studentships available at the University of Liverpool, UK ~

25 de noviembre de 2014

Two Ph.D Studentships available at the University of Liverpool, UK

Ph.D 1: Causes and evolutionary consequences of variation in fish colouration
This project will inform our understanding of how intrinsic factors or heritability and extrinsic factors such as diet play a role in maintaining colour polymorphisms and intraspecific variation in natural populations of the guppy
Supervisors: Dr Mike Speed, Dr Lynne Sneddon, Dr Tom Pottinger, Dr Donna Snellgrove and Dr Kath Sloman

Ph.D 2: Coping with unpredictable environments: The role of parental and developmental factors in adaptation to natural and anthropogenic stressors in fish
Possible mechanisms by which environmental factors may influence phenotype in sticklebacks will be investigated in aquarium-scale and semi-natural mesocosm-scale experiments.  New information on how parental influences (via hormone transfer to progeny), unpredictability of the early rearing environment, and pre- and post-hatch exposure to stressors, including temperature change and hypoxia shape phenotype will be used to inform how environmental variability may result in altered phenotype.
Supervisors: Dr Lynne Sneddon, Dr Tom Pottinger, Dr Jakob Bro Jorgensen
Apply by sending a cover letter and CV to by the deadline of 11th January 2015. Open to UK students only.
Informal enquiries to Dr Lynne Sneddon (

Dr Lynne U. Sneddon
Director of Bioveterinary Science,
University of Liverpool,
The BioScience Building,
L69 7ZB,

Tel. +44 (0)151 795 4388 (Extn 54388)
Twitter @LynneUSneddon
UFAW Link Representative 

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