In order to support student research and increase collaboration and diffusion of knowledge among the member institutions of the AMLC, we are pleased to announce theAMLC Student Grants-in-Aid of Caribbean Marine Research Program. Awards are available to support research by AMLC student members working (but not necessarily permanently based) at AMLC member institutions.
Preference will be given to proposals that involve comparisons or collaboration among AMLC institutions. Awards of up to US $1000 are available for work involving travel among member labs and awards up to US $400 are available for work that does not involve travel among laboratories but nevertheless involves collaboration and comparisons among them. Evaluation of applications will be based on scientific merit as well as likelihood that the proposed work will foster collaboration and exchange between AMLC members. Research focused on any aspect of Caribbean marine science, policy or management will be considered.
Many AMLC member labs have pledged in-kind support in the form of fee-waivers to awardees. Applicants must contact the laboratory they are interested in working to determine details and to request a letter of support.
AMLC host institutions must be in good standing at the time of the application and award. A full list of AMLC member institutions in good standing can be found at:
Requirements: Applicants must be (1) a member of the AMLC in good standing at the time of submitting the proposal, and (2) enrolled in a degree program. In addition, the proposed research must involve at least one AMLC member institution in good standing.
Applicants must submit:- Description of the proposed research (~5 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font)
- Budget with justification (one-page)
- Letters of recommendation (two from any of combination of research supervisor or instructor or equivalent )
- Letter of invitation from the proposed host institution indicating any in-kind support given.
Deadline for applications is April 1st 2015. Awards will be announced at the 37th Scientific Conference in Curaςao.
Evaluation process: Applications will be evaluated by the AMLC Awards Committee comprised of no less than three members of the AMLC board and past recipients of AMLC student awards Wherever possible, a short evaluation of proposals will be provided to applicants.
For information on AMLC membership please contact or visit our Membership Services web page.