A postdoc position is open at the University of Iceland - Compensatory regulatory evolution and transcriptional cooption
Which principles influence the rewiring and tuning of gene regulatory networks? How do those network react to genetic perturbations? We are seeking a post-doc to tackle those and related questions in project utilizing populations of Drosophila (fruit flies) that have undergone compensatory adaptation using experimental evolution and artificial selection. The project involves the analysis of tissue specific RNA-seq and numerical analyses. The ideal candidate is strong in evolutionary genetics, statistical and bioinformatic analyses and with capable hands for molecular biology. Excellent communication skills, main focus on writing, are required, as is a solid publication record. The candidate will be encouraged (and given time) to develop their own research program.
The project is a collaboration between University of Iceland and McMaster University, mostly conducted in Iceland. Those interested are asked to send a cover letter detailing research interests and
experience, a current CV, and contact details for three professional references by July 31th. Anticipated start date is Fall 2015, but this is flexible. The position is funded by the Icelandic Research fund (for 3 years), salary commensurate with qualifications.
The University of Iceland is the leading research institute in the country, and groups at the Institute of biology (luvs.hi.is/institute-biology) and Biomedical Center (lifvisindi.hi.is) study genomics, evolutionary, developmental, cellular and molecular biology. The shared facilities include High throughput sequencers, various specialized molecular biology equipment and computer clusters.
The University is an equal opportunity workplace with strong combination of international and domestic scientists.
Learn more about the work in the Palsson (uni.hi.is/apalsson) and Dworkin (www.msu.edu/~idworkin/) labs.
Please send applications and/or inquiries to apalsson@hi.is.