October 5-9, 2015 @ CIBIO-InBIO, Vairao, Portugal
The analysis of organismal shape is central to many questions in ecology and evolution. This workshop aims at providing an introduction to the theory and methods of geometric morphometrics for analyzing variation in shape and its covariation with other variables. It will provide an overview of the theory underlying the quantification of shape using landmark methods, and a practical guide to data acquisition, standardization for obtaining shape variables, statistical treatment of shape variation, and visualization of the results in the R language for statistical programming.
R knowledge is a requirement for the course and it will be assumed that all participants are fluent for data manipulation and basic operations in the R environment.
Click here
to see the PROGRAMME for this course.
Prof. Dean C. Adams
Dr. Michael Collyer https://www.wku.edu/biology/staff/michael_collyer
Dr. Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou
Deadline for registration is August 20, 2015.
To know more about this course, please visit CIBIO-InBIO’s website
or contact us at GM2015@cibio.up.pt.
CIBIO Divulgação