Adviser: Malin Pinsky, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
I am seeking an outstanding Ph.D. student to study marine metapopulation dynamics using field work combined with population genomics. Overarching questions concern mechanisms of persistence in ecological networks. My research group has broad interests in marine ecology, population genetics/genomics, climate change, biogeography, dispersal, and fisheries. Student projects will generally overlap with these areas, but independent thinking and new ideas are strongly encouraged. I expect to devote substantial time to each student's intellectual and professional development.
Potential projects include (but are not limited to) questions of metapopulation dynamics, demography, dispersal, local adaptation, thermal physiology, and implications for marine reserve design. We do extensive fieldwork in the Philippines with clownfish, and excellent opportunities exist to build from four years of existing data. Projects would likely involve a mix of field work, genomic wet lab work, bioinformatics, and ecological modeling. Enthusiasm, drive, excellent written and oral communication abilities, and strong quantitative skills are necessary. Scientific diving certification is encouraged, but training can occur during the graduate program.
Interested candidates should send an email describing their motivation and research interests along with a CV, GPA, GRE scores (if available), and three references to In-progress applications to external fellowships are viewed favorably. Qualified candidates will be contacted and encouraged to apply to the graduate program in either Ecology & Evolution ( or Oceanography (, depending on student interests. Ph.D. applications are due in January. Ph.D. students will be supported through a mix of research assistantships, university fellowships, external fellowships, teaching assistantships, and teaching assistantships,.
I will be at the Ecological Society of America meeting in Baltimore, and can also talk with potential students there.
Malin Pinsky
Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
and the Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08901