A postdoctoral position is available in the Translational Control of Cell Cycle and Differentiation lab of Raul Mendez (Molecular Medicine department of IRB Barcelona).
The successful applicant will join a multi-disciplinary team conducting cutting-edge research in Gene expression Regulation and and Cell cycle/Cancer. The project will involve exploring high-throughput genomics data analysis approaches and integrating the findings to deliver biologically meaningful information about translational control by RNA-binding proteins and their role in disease. An interest in adapting existing approaches and developing novel methodology to most effectively address the problem is expected.
Recommended profile:
- PhD degree in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics or a related discipline
- Interest in high-throughput proteomics and genomics data analysis
- Interest in multi-disciplinary research
- Experience in programming
- Proficiency in English
Applicants should send by email a brief cover letter summarizing research goals, a full curriculum vitae and the names and contact information of 2 referees to raul.mendez@irbbarcelona.org .
Representative Laboratory publications:
1- Bava, FA., Eliscovich, C., Ferreira, PG., Miñana, B., Ben-Dov, C., Guigó, R., Valcárcel, J. and Méndez, R. “CPEB1 coordinates alternative 3’UTR formation with translational regulation”. Nature, 495(7439):121-125 (2013).
2- Ortiz-Zapater, E., Pineda, D., Martínez-Bosch,N., Fernandez-Miranda, G., Iglesias, M., Alameda F., Moreno, M., Eliscovich, C., Real,FX., Méndez, R.* and Navarro, P.*. (* Equal contribution. Co-corresponding authors). “Regulation of gene expression during pancreatic cancer progression: a role for CPEB-4.” Nature Medicine. 18(1):83-90. (2012).
3- Isabel Novoa, Javier Gallego, Pedro G. Ferreira, Raúl Méndez. “Mitotic cell cycle progression is regulated by CPEB-dependent translational control” Nature Cell Biology. 12(5):447-456. (2010).
4- C. Elíscovich I. Peset, I. Vernos and R. Méndez “ Spindle Localized CPE-mediated translation controls meiotic chromosome segregation”Nature Cell Biology, 10(7):858-865. (2008).
5- E. Belloc and R. Méndez. “A deadenylation negative feedback mechanism governs meiotic metaphase arrest”.Nature, 452(7190):1017-21 (2008).
6- M. Piqué, J.M. López, S. Foissac, R. Guigó and R. Méndez. “A combinatorial code for CPE-mediated translational control” Cell, 132(3):434-448. (2008)