CRIOBE GRANTS 2016 for working in French Polynesia ~

18 de enero de 2016

CRIOBE GRANTS 2016 for working in French Polynesia

Applications for CRIOBE GRANTS 2016 are now open for working in French Polynesia!

In the context of a partnership between the CRIOBE, the Institute for Pacific Coral Reefs (IRCP) and two French Polynesian firms, Société des Nouveaux Hôtels (SNH) et Société Polynésienne de Développement Durable (SPDD), four grants are available in 2016 to young scientists (PhD, Post-doctorate or degrees of similar levels; < 35 yrs) of French nationality or Foreigners to conduct a scientific project in the French Polynesia coral reefs ( The candidates will be selected by the IRCP scientific committee in which some members of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) are included. Among the 4 candidates selected, at least one candidate will come from South Pacific Island States in order to promote training for scientific research in these countries. The sum of each grant will be 4500 € (euros) in order to cover travel expenses to and from French Polynesia, accommodation and research costs at the Criobe station (

Selected candidates will perform their respective projects in no more than 12 months, following the grant notification. A preliminary report will be written in the month following the end of field work. A final report, including at least one publication project in a peer reviewed scientific journal of a high standard, will be provided by the successful candidate in the following year. The grant should be mentioned in reports and publications under the name “IRCP – Société des Nouveaux Hôtels – Société Polynésienne de Développement Durable”.

For 2016, four young scientists will be selected. Applications will include a CV (2 pages max), a research project (5 pages max), an abstract of research project (100-200 words) and a financial appendix (including estimated expenses – 1 page max).
Please send applications before January 25th 2016 to: or

The final answer of the four selected candidates will be announced on February 25th 2016




Directeur d'études EPHE / Professor
Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l'Environnement (CRIOBE) Laboratoire d'Excellence CORAIL, USR 3278 CNRS – EPHE - UPVD

Directeur adjoint / Associate Director
IRCP (Institut des Récifs Coralliens du Pacifique / Institute for Pacific Coral Reefs) internet website:

BP 1013 Papetoai, 98 729 Moorea, Polynésie française Tel : (689) 56 13 45 / Fax : (689) 56 28 15 E-mail :

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