Mpala Research Centre, Kenya, and the University of Florida.
The Palmer Lab (<> is anticipating an opportunity for a post-doctoral associate in the Department of Biology at the University of Florida. We seek a postdoc to conduct research on the consequences of mutualism disruption by an invasive ant in Laikipia, Kenya. The post-doc will spend at least 6 months of the year in the field in Kenya based at Mpala Research Centre, and the remainder at the University of Florida, and will assist with the teaching of a field ecology class in Kenya. The post-doc will be involved in the primary goals of the research, and will also develop research that complements the core focus of the project.
Desired qualifications of the postdoc: (1) a Ph.D. in ecology, wildlife biology, or similar; (2) a strong publication record; (3) excellent references; (4) demonstrated abilities in writing, oral communication, and statistics; (5) experience working independently in remote field sites; (6) intellectual creativity and self-motivation to conceive, design, and implement independent work under remote field conditions. International experience is a plus.
The postdoc will be advised by Dr. Todd Palmer (<> Field research entails 6+ months per year for two years at the Mpala Conservancy and Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Laikipia, Kenya.
To apply for this position, please send a single pdf attachment (file name formatted as lastname_firstname_postdoc.pdf) to