4 field technicians in forest ecology (USA) ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de febrero de 2016

4 field technicians in forest ecology (USA)

*Boston University Field Crew Position: Forest Ecology*
Summer 2016 (Wednesday, June 15 – Friday, August 12)

Location: Bartlett, NH and Land O’Lakes, WI.

Summary: The Ecological Forecasting Lab at Boston University is recruiting summer field
technicians to re-census permanent forest inventory plots at sites in the USFS Bartlett
Experimental Forest and the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center
(UNDERC). We are looking for 2 crew leaders and 2 interns (4 positions total).

Pay: Crew leaders will be paid at $10-13/hr (depending on skills and experience) and housing
will be provided. Housing and food will be covered for interns.

Duties: Crew members will work in teams to re-census established long-term forest monitoring
plots and collect information on tree and sapling growth, survival, and recruitment. The team will
spend each day in the forest making basic tree measurements, performing data quality
assurance/quality control checks, and entering data onto tablet computers. Additional project
details can be found athttp://people.bu.edu/dietze/ (see Research: Vulnerability of forest
biodiversity to climate change: Individual risks and regional responses).

Preferred qualifications:

Crew Leaders: At least two years toward a baccalaureate degree in the natural sciences; some
experience with plant identification skills; ability to work independently and reliably without
direct supervision in challenging field conditions; and possession of a valid driver’s license. Crew
leaders will be responsible for ensuring data quality and maintaining the project timetable.

Field Technician Interns: This position is ideal for applicants looking to gain experience with
fieldwork, plant identification, and standard forest ecological field methodologies. No previous
experience is necessary.

*Application deadline: Friday, March, 2016*

For questions and to apply: Email a cover letter and CV to

Istem Fer (istfer@bu.edu)
Department of Earth and the Environment
Boston University
Stone Science Building, Room 457
675 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215-1406

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