Free webinar: Getting Started with Spatial Data Analysis in R ~

21 de febrero de 2016

Free webinar: Getting Started with Spatial Data Analysis in R

On February 24th at 11-11:30am PST we'll host a free webinar on Getting Started with Spatial Data Analysis in R. Would love for you to join us!

Simply creating static maps is not enough. In this webinar we shall look at techniques of importing and exporting spatial data into R; understanding the foundation classes for spatial data; manipulation of spatial data; and techniques for spatial visualization. This webinar is meant to provide introductory knowledge of spatial data analysis in R needed to understand more complex spatial data modeling techniques.

  • We will cover the following topics:
  • Why use R for spatial analysis
  • Packages for spatial data analysis
  • Types of spatial data
  • Classes and methods in R for spatial data analysis
  • Importing and exporting spatial data
  • Visualizing spatial data in R

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