Hymenoptera Short Course (North Carolina, USA) ~ Bioblogia.net

7 de febrero de 2016

Hymenoptera Short Course (North Carolina, USA)

The Entomological Society of Washington (entsocwash.org) and Highlands Biological Station (highlandsbiological.org) are pleased to announce the seventh offering of HYM Course (hymcourse.org), scheduled forAugust 8–20, 2016, at Highlands Biological Station in North Carolina.

The main objective of the course is to provide participants with knowledge and experience in identifying parasitic and predatory wasps, sawflies, wood wasps, bees, and ants. We will also present information on the natural history of wasps, bees, and ants, and that information will be reinforced with fieldwork. Techniques used to collect, rear, preserve, and curate wasps, bees, and ants will be presented in a hands-on manner to allow participants to learn directly by doing.

The course is limited to 20 participants. Applications are due February 29, 2016. Please visit the HYM Course website (hymcourse.org) for details, including information on how to apply, costs for taking the course, and frequently asked questions.

We look forward to seeing you in North Carolina!
Instructors, HYM Course 2016

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