Postdoctoral position in quantitative ecology (France) ~

10 de febrero de 2016

Postdoctoral position in quantitative ecology (France)

The University of Bordeaux is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher with a modelling background in community or ecosystem ecology, to work on species interactions and ecosystem dynamics.

The postdoc will join the Integrative and Theoretical Ecology chair of the Labex COTE (, and will interact with Frédéric Barraquand and other members of the ITE chair. We work on collaborative research projects with partners from French research institutes (CNRS, INRA, IRSTEA, IFREMER), as well as internationally, on both ecological interactions and cross-ecosystem flows. Some of our studies focus on areas of special interest to the Labex COTE, the Gironde estuary and the Arcachon bay area.

Research in the chair ranges from general theory to applied modelling. Current projects include fitting stochastic models to community-level time series to infer interaction strengths, predicting the responses of estuarine food webs to anthropogenic disturbances, ecological theory on the effects of material or biological subsidies and forest-stream linkages (e.g., decomposition processes). The candidate could develop his/her own research question in a related direction. If relevant, there will be opportunities to connect with social sciences through collaborations with ecological economists.

We are looking for a researcher with a strong modelling skillset, able to work in a team. A good knowledge of population dynamics and food web models is essential, as well as proficiency with Matlab or R. A solid background in either statistics or ecosystem ecology is a plus. Familiarity with Linux and compiled programming languages (e.g., C, Fortran) would be desirable.

The position is funded for two years by the Labex COTE. Applicants should send a cover letter describing their interest in the position, a curriculum vitae, and name and contact information of three references to by April 1, 2016.

For additional information on the research project, contact

For additional information regarding the application procedure and employment conditions, contact


Frederic Barraquand
University of Bordeaux
Integrative and Theoretical Ecology Chair - Labex COTE

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