Undergraduate field assistant in Galapagos (Ecuador) ~ Bioblogia.net

2 de febrero de 2016

Undergraduate field assistant in Galapagos (Ecuador)

The Parent lab (http://parentlab.weebly.com) is looking for an undergraduate
student to assist with field research in the Galapagos Islands. The
undergraduate student will spend 10 weeks (May 30th - August 5th, within the
NSF-funded REU program in the Department of Biological Sciences at
University of Idaho) conducting research under the guidance of two graduate
students investigating island biogeography, invertebrate physiology, and

The research will involve traveling to the Galapagos Islands, hiking long
distances with field equipment on difficult terrain, backpacking and camping
in remote locations, and working long hours in the laboratory to measure
physiological response and biomechanical variables in terrestrial
invertebrates. The student will also have the opportunity to conduct
independent research and present the results in the form of a poster at a
research symposium at the end of the program.

We are looking for applicants with some or all of the following experience
and skills:
- Prior research in biology, ecology, wildlife management, or physiology
- Ability to travel internationally (passport)
- Ability to speak Spanish
- Experience backpacking and camping in remote locations
- Patience and attention to details.

To apply, follow instructions here:

The deadline to submit an application is Feb 15, 2016.

If you have questions, please contact:
Dr. Christine Parent
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Idaho
Email: parentlabatuidaho@gmail.com

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