This introduction to R programming course will help you master the basics of R. In seven sections, you will cover its basic syntax, making you ready to undertake your own first data analysis using R.
Starting from variables and basic operations, you will learn how to handle data structures such as vectors, matrices, data frames and lists. In the final section, you will dive deeper into the graphical capabilities of R, and create your own stunning data visualizations. No prior knowledge in programming or data science is required.
What makes this R programming course unique is that you will continuously practice your newly acquired skills through interactive in-browser coding challenges using the DataCamp platform.
Instead of passively watching videos, you will solve real data problems while receiving instant and personalized feedback that guides you to the correct solution.
What you'll learn
- R language fundamentals and basic syntax
- What R is and how it’s used to perform data analysis
- You will become familiar with the major R data structures
- You will make your own visualizations using R