Research Technician - Marine Fisheries Ecology
Auburn University, Alabama
Responsibilities: Assist in investigations of the ecology of marine fishes in the northeast Gulf of Mexico. Responsibilities include surveys of marine fishes using SCUBA, fish traps, hook & line, etc. as well as laboratory analyses of otoliths, gonads, tissue chemistry, and video transects.
Qualifications: Capable and willing to lift heavy gear, and work aboard research vessels during frequent daily offshore trips. Preferred: SCUBA diving experience, previous offshore experience, completed bachelor’s degree in biology or related science, Advanced and/or Rescue Diver certifications.
Closing Date: June 1, 2016.
Starting Date: Jun 2016
Ending Date: May 2017 but may continue based on grant funding.
Contact: Send single PDF including letter of interest, CV, copies of college transcripts, references and GRE scores to Dr. Stephen Szedlmayer,
17 de abril de 2016
field technician
Técnico de investigación en ecología de peces marinos (Alabama, USA)