Voluntariado de campo con fauna salvaje en Kenya ~ Bioblogia.net

3 de abril de 2016

Voluntariado de campo con fauna salvaje en Kenya

The Young lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara, is seeking applicants for a project manager position to be based in Kenya from Sep/Oct 2016 - Sep/Oct 2017 (exact dates are flexible). The position will involve various administrative and field work-oriented tasks related to our projects studying the role of wildlife decline on disease in the East African tropical savannah system
(https://labs.eemb.ucsb.edu/young/hillary/). Our current project investigates the role of watering holes in concentrating parasites and increasing disease risk through animal aggregations at water.

Our research sites are based at Mpala Research Centre, located in Laikipia
County (www.mpala.org), where a variety of institutions from around
the world conduct research and other educational activities. A lively
community of scientists and students is present year-round. The project
manager would have a private bedroom, access to a shared bathroom,
and three meals per day provided. Internet access and laundry are
also included, in addition to a $250 per month stipend for additional
expenses. Mpala is located relatively close to the town of Nanyuki
(about a 50 minute drive), where additional supplies are available.

The project manager is expected to assist in data collection in the field,
data entry, and various administrative and logistical tasks (such as
managing additional field assistants, facilitating permit application
completion, and completing necessary paperwork in country). The field
schedule will be fairly demanding for approximately four one-month periods
during the year. During these sampling periods, the project manager
will be expected to be spending the majority of the working day in the
field for 5-6 days per week (1/2 Saturdays, off on Sundays). Depending
on the season, the weather can be quite hot and dry (90+ degrees F), and
a typical sampling day will require 5+ miles of walking. Additionally,
project managers must be sensible and vigilant, being comfortable working
in locations where dangerous animals may be present (snakes, elephants,
Cape buffalo). Project managers acknowledge that they are required to
be accompanied by a Kenyan field assistant at all times when working in
the field. Major holidays and additional time off for personal travel
will also be granted exact time periods are negotiable based on field
schedules and personal requirements.


1. Education: Undergraduate degree in Biology, Environmental Science, or
similar, or related experience.

2. Experience: Previous field research experience, previous international
travel, some previous parasitological experience is preferable but not

3. Other: Able to comfortably walk 5+ miles per day in hot conditions,
perform repetitive tasks with attention to detail, ability to take detailed
notes and record ecological information.

4. Personal: Good interpersonal skills, ability to live in close quarters
with other researchers, critical thinking and problem solving skills, data
entry skills, and ability to provide good written and verbal communication.


Travel to and from Mpala Research Centre (flights, taxis), a private room
at Mpala with shared bathroom, 3 meals per day, internet access, laundry,
plus a $250 monthly stipend.

Interested applicants should submit the following:

1. Resume or CV that includes previous work experiences and related

2. A cover letter describing in detail previous research experience,
previous international travel, personal research interests, future
academic/professional goals, and any other information relevant to the job

3. Contact information for two academic or professional references.

Please send all application materials to Georgia Titcomb and Hillary Young
(georgiatitcomb@gmail.com & hillary.young@lifesci.ucsb.edu) by April 9th,
2016. We encourage scientists of all backgrounds and diversities to apply!

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