Oferta de técnico en laboratorio de isótopos estables (Canadá) ~ Bioblogia.net

20 de julio de 2016

Oferta de técnico en laboratorio de isótopos estables (Canadá)

SINLAB are re-posting our advertisement for a new Technical Manager in order to meet Gov Canada guidelines for hiring international applicants. We are looking for a tech whizz to keep our IRMS lab whirring along smoothly. Following a major renovation in 2015, which included the installation of a Delta V and Gasbench, the lab is equipped with three IRMS’s, four EA’s and associated peripherals. The successful candidate will work alongside a full time lab manager, two full time technicians and a science manager. Full details are available here, http://www.unb.ca/hr/_resources/php/print-support-staff-posting.php?theid=YZqhqQ==, and further information about the lab is available on our website http://www.unb.ca/research/institutes/cri/sinlab/

Closing date for applications is September 30th, however we will begin weekly reviews of submitted applications on August 1st and may appoint a suitable candidate prior to the closing date. Please direct any informal queries about the position to SINLAB Director, Prof. Rick Cunjack, cunjak@unb.ca

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