Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th of September, Royal Society London
We are delighted to invite you to join leaders and professionals from across the UK Science Engagement Sector for the lively 2016 ASDC National Conference.
This conference will bring together all those from across the UK who share the vision of involving and engaging people from all backgrounds with the varied and creative world of the sciences, including experts from the UK’s major Science Centres, Science, Engineering and Natural History Museums, Environment organisations, Media partners, Learned Societies and Universities.
Conference Speakers include:
- Professor Louise Archer, King's College London
· Imran Khan, Wellcome Trust
· Chas Bishop, CEO of the National Space Centre and Chair of ASDC
· Dr Penny Fidler, CEO of ASDC
· Other speakers to be announced in August
Tickets start at just £125 at the Early Bird Rate, available until Tuesday 30th of August.
Applications are also open for delegates to speak in the popular, fast-paced Pecha Kucha session.
Please visit the ASDC website - http://sciencecentres.org.uk/events/2016_Conference/index.html - for more information.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes,
Madelon Foard I Project Manager
The UK Association for Science and Discovery Centres
Suite 101, QC30, 30 Queen Charlotte Street, Bristol, BS1 4HJ
Reg. charity: 1129312 I Company no: 6798106
T: +44 (0)117 915 0181 I E: madelon.foard@sciencecentres.org.uk I W: www.sciencecentres.org.uk