Chulada de postdoc estudiando selección sexual en arañas saltarinas (FL, USA) ~

11 de septiembre de 2016

Chulada de postdoc estudiando selección sexual en arañas saltarinas (FL, USA)

POSTDOC position: Sexual selection and sensory exploitation in jumping spiders

I am currently seeking a postdoctoral researcher to study sensory exploitation and the evolution of male courtship colors in jumping spiders. This NSF-funded project integrates ideas from across three areas of animal behavior (sensory traps, sexual imprinting, and cross-contextual learning) to ask how a female’s experiences with colorful (and sometimes aposematic) prey will influence her responses to the same colors in a male’s courtship display. The first phase of the project will involve extensive experiments with two target species, while the second phase of the project will use a comparative approach to test ideas about why elaborate/colorful ornamentation has evolved in some jumping spider taxa, but not others. The position is based in Gainesville, FL with opportunities for fieldwork in Arizona and Kenya. Further information about current work in the Taylor lab can be found here:

Successful candidates will have the following skills, experience, and interests:
PhD in ecology, evolutionary biology, or a related field
Strong quantitative skills
Strong publication record
Experience designing and running behavioral experiments in the lab and/or field
Experience with field work
Ability to work independently as well as with a team (including high school students, undergraduates, and graduate students)
Desire and ability to mentor undergraduate researchers (including mentoring through the process of writing and publication)
Genuine interest in contributing to (or leading) our ‘broader impacts’ missions, which include an innovative community college course and a traveling arachnid art exhibit
*While not required, experience with phylogenetic comparative methods and advanced skills in mathematical modeling will also be helpful

Start date is flexible. Initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of a second year (contingent on satisfactory progress during year 1). Salary starts at $47,476 plus benefits.

To apply, send the following: (1) a cover letter that highlights relevant skills, experience, and interests, (2) a CV, (3) contact information for three references, and (4) two relevant first-author publications or manuscripts Review of applications will begin on September 30th and continue until the position is filled.

Please contact Lisa Taylor ( with any questions.

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