2 plazas de doctorado estudiando evolución de saltícidos (USA) ~ Bioblogia.net

3 de diciembre de 2016

2 plazas de doctorado estudiando evolución de saltícidos (USA)

Iam recruiting two PhD students to join my research group at the University of Cincinnati in the summer or fall of 2017. I am particularly interested in recruiting new students to join our research on the coevolution of jumping spider color vision and coloration.

Oneavailable PhD position, funded through an active NSF grant, will
investigate the role of female visual attention/gaze in driving the
evolution of complex male displays in the North American jumping spider
genus Habronattus. This research project combines intensive field work
with lab-based video characterization of male displays and eye-tracking of
female gaze responses to video playback of displaying males (the latter
in collaboration with Beth Jakob at the University of Massachusetts,

Thesecond doctoral position will support a new research initiative in my
group to understand the repeated evolution of color vision across jumping
spiders. Thus far, we have identified two independent and functionally
distinct transitions from dichromacy to tri-/tetrachromacy in jumping
spiders, which are, not surprisingly, tightly associated with rapid
diversification of male color ornamentation. We are now interested
in identifying any additional evolutionary transitions in color
vision, characterizing when and why they occurred, and investigating
their “downstream” consequences for biodiversity in this group of
animals. This work will leverage international field work with molecular,
microspectrophotometric, and hyperspectral imaging approaches.

Inaddition to these new research initiatives, we have a number of
other research projects that could provide opportunities for incoming
students. I am slowly adding more information about these on my lab
website: www.morehouselab.com.

Studentsinterested in joining the lab should contact me as soon as
possible to discuss their interests and fit for the lab. Please include
a brief statement of your research interests, how they connect with
our current research, and your CV, academic transcripts, and GRE scores
if available.

TheUniversity of Cincinnati is emerging as an international
center of excellence in sensory ecology. With a strong and growing
faculty concentration in Sensory Biology, Behavior, and Evolution
(http://www.artsci.uc.edu/departments/biology/research/Sbbe.html) and
an NSF-funded REU program in Sensory Ecology, UC provides a vibrant
intellectual environment for research and student training. Plans are
afoot for the development of a regional consortium of sensory biologists,
including researchers at Purdue and Case Western. Matching research
strengths in sensing and sensor technologies in UC’s nationally-renowned
College of Engineering offer a number of cross-disciplinary training
opportunities. In addition, UC’s strengths in design and the fine and
performing arts provide exciting opportunities for my lab’s ongoing
involvement in art-science collaborations, including the College of
Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (ranked 3rd internationally) and
the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music (ranked 6th nationally). Finally,
Cincinnati is a culturally and economically vibrant city with a low
cost of living, offering an unbeatable quality of life for our graduate

Graduateapplications are due January 1, 2017. More information
on the graduate program at the University of Cincinnati
and associated application materials can be found here:

Allmy best,



Departmentof Biological Sciences
Universityof Pittsburgh
204CClapp Hall
Fifthand Ruskin Avenues
Pittsburgh,PA 15260
Office:(412) 624-3378
Lab:(412) 624-3351

**TheMorehouse Lab is excited to join the Department of Biological
Sciences at the University of Cincinnati, beginning January 2017! Please
make note of the new contact info below.**

Departmentof Biological Sciences
Universityof Cincinnati
711HRieveschl Hall
Cincinnati,OH 45221-0006
Office:(513) 556-9700

"Ily a un autre monde mais il est dans celui-ci." - Paul Éluard

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